More collaborative self study, less accreditation headaches
Your self study doesn't have to be a herculean effort. Seek ways to foster collaboration when drafting your narratives, automate contribution workflows, and encourage ongoing data and evidence collection to significantly reduce the manual effort of preparing your accreditation report.
Actionable, automated accreditation
Break the stressful cycle
In order to stay compliant, you must demonstrate academic quality, student learning, and institutional effectiveness every 5-10 years. With non-standardized documents, disparate and manual data, under-staffing, struggling to properly involve faculty, and more issues working against you, how can you muster this extraordinary undertaking? And, even if you do, many institutions move on before implementing process takeaways and improvements before the next cycle.
From box checking to boundary breaking
Your goals surrounding accreditation and self-study aim higher than simply checking boxes and scraping by. You want to discover meaningful insights, provide evidence of how your institution is progressing toward and upholding its mission, and continue to improve the overall student experience. You need a method that provides you the time and information necessary to level-up to this pinnacle.
Reliable, robust, rewarding
A comprehensive, unified platform delivers actionable, reliable data and automates previously time-demanding processes in order to provide your institution with a scalable, sustainable process for regional and programmatic self study, setting you up for successful re-accreditation. Plus, with the time and resources you save, your team can put those insights into active upgrades to the overall experience.
Know the questions to ask before you get to your next accreditation and self study
Are you supporting your faculty and staff's annual assessment planning and reporting with an efficient process that lets them access data to inform improvement?
How can your next self study be more manageable and less time-consuming?
Can you efficiently provide feedback and professional learning for units to write measurable outcomes, set targets, and include data linked to continuous improvement initiatives within one form and workflow?
Do you have an efficient means to link evidence to your self study?
Do you have a simple process for collecting and sharing faculty contributions to teaching, service, and scholarship?
Can you easily assign tasks and individual standards to specific stakeholders in preparation for upcoming self studies?
Do campus self study liaisons have access to relevant artifacts tagged to standards to add as evidence to their sections?
Is your self study manageable, integrated, and available for your office and the institution at-large?
Are you able to easily export the completed self study into the format required for reviewers?

Create sustainable processes for self study and accreditation
Accreditation and Planning
Curate and complete your regional and programmatic self studies more efficiently by automating manual workflows, evidence and data collection.
Assign tasks to key stakeholders and report contributors
Tag and attach evidence to standards, outcomes, and keywords automatically
Evaluate continuous improvement focus areas at the course, co-curricular, program, and institutional levels

Accreditation and Planning
Curate and complete your regional and programmatic self studies more efficiently by automating manual workflows, evidence and data collection.
Assign tasks to key stakeholders and report contributors
Tag and attach evidence to standards, outcomes, and keywords automatically
Evaluate continuous improvement focus areas at the course, co-curricular, program, and institutional levels

Request a Demo
HelioCampus enables you to streamline your assessment and accreditation workflows and reduce the hunt for evidence or manual data collection. Let us partner with you to improve student learning outcomes, provide students with verified evidence of their achievements, and support continuous improvement.