HelioCampus eBooks
A library of publications on higher education research. Our eBooks consist of academic programming, administrative operations, student learning outcomes, and more.
Featured eBooks
Accreditation & Self Study
Using a SWOT Analysis to Supercharge Your Institutional Assessment
Learn how to assess assessment practices and conduct a full SWOT analysis to inform continuous improvement at your institution. Download the free guide.
Institutional Data Analytics
2024 Survey of Campus Chief Technology / Information Officers
Get the inside scoop on what IT leaders in higher ed think of today’s hot button issues - from digital transformation to AI.
Strategic Planning
Program Assessment Toolkit
Revamp your process with our program assessment toolkit for effective strategic planning to meet your institutional goals.
Accreditation & Self Study
Assessment and Credentialing Readiness Evaluation
A free toolkit to guide conversations with stakeholders and evaluate your readiness for an assessment management system.
Long-range Financial Planning
Quantifying Uncertainty: Measuring the Volatility in State Appropriations for Higher Ed
Understand how institutions facing pressure to do more with less can tackle uncertainty by leveraging the overlooked financial metric of volatility.
Cost Containment Strategies
How to Use Data to Support Your Financial Decision-Making in Higher Education
A look into the top challenges hindering financial decision-making within institutions.
Institutional Effectiveness
5 Core Components of an Assessment Plan in Higher Education
A comprehensive institutional assessment plan plays a critical role in assessing your student learning outcomes & strategic goals at all levels.
Revenue Growth & ROI
Financial Sustainability in Higher Education: Challenges and Solutions
Understand challenges that threaten financial sustainability and solutions for institutional effectiveness in higher education.
Institutional Data Analytics
Data in Focus: A Clearer Path to Progress Through Institutional Analytics
A guide to leverage your institution's data analytics to support student success and retention rates.
Institutional Data Analytics
Effective Data Management in Higher Ed: Obstacles and Solutions
As institutions increasingly turn to data to make key decisions, greater awareness is being paid to data management & governance.
Institutional Data Analytics
Presidential Priorities: 5 Areas of Concern for College and University Presidents
With rising costs and increased competition, higher ed leaders are expected to juggle responsibilities in multiple areas.
Institutional Data Analytics
Driving Success in Nontraditional Student Populations: 6 Best Practices for Analytics Programs at Community Colleges
With concrete data, community colleges can address unique challenges, boost student success, and support institutional goals.
Revenue Growth & ROI
Strategic Decision Support for Financial Planning & Sustainability
Institutions have been facing a challenge to improve the affordability of higher education since the global COVID-19 pandemic.
Labor Cost Benchmarking
The Importance of Benchmarking in Higher Education
Higher ed is facing a brewing financial crisis from the pandemic while striving to stay afloat with alternative forms of revenue.
Institutional Data Analytics
How Analytics Can Help Higher Ed Emerge From the Pandemic
Institutional leaders are experiencing the need to quickly make strategic decisions with the uncertainty from the pandemic.
Institutional Data Analytics
Seven State Universities That Are Innovating for the Future
Several institutions are emerging as leaders who have developed programs and creative methods to reach and foster student success.
Institutional Data Analytics
The Intersection of Technology and Learning: 5 Important IT Trends in Higher Education
Technology has disrupted the higher ed industry, with COVID-19 shifting students and professors to learn and teach from home.
Institutional Data Analytics
Institutional Planning for Higher Education: How Data and Relationships Drive Success
A data-driven institutional strategy can help colleges and universities improve performance from COVID-19 challenges.
Institutional Effectiveness
Institutional Effectiveness 2.0: A New Path Forward for Higher Education
Learn how IE 2.0 marks a shift in how higher ed thinks about institutional effectiveness and how it will shape the future.
Curriculum Mapping
5 Reasons Why Curriculum Mapping Improves Institutional Effectiveness
Discover how curriculum mapping drives institutional effectiveness, from equity to improved advising.
Institutional Data Analytics
Higher Ed and The New Student Success" - Embracing an Integrated, Data-Driven Approach
COVID-19 has shifted the higher ed landscape, which has impacted success and put a toll on the overall student journey.
Institutional Data Analytics
Understanding What "Success" Really Looks Like: How Analytics Can Define and Support Student Success in Higher Education
It's important that institutions understand what success looks like and the decisions to support students with data analytics.
Revenue Growth & ROI
Leveraging Analytics in Enrollment Management: 5 Best Practices
Higher ed is under pressure to fufill their institution's mission, and face enrollment and retention challenges from the pandemic.
Academic Portfolio Evaluation
Capturing the Student Experience:4 Ways LMS Data Can Improve Online Learning Outcomes
Gaining insight into the student experience of online learning can help measure engagement to improve online learning outcomes.
Institutional Data Analytics
Considerations and Criteria for an Analytics Offering
Unlock your institution's data analytics potential with a comprehensive guide for higher education institutions.