Labor cost benchmarking

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EDUCAUSE Review: From Hype to Help: Making GenAI Useful for Enterprise Reporting and Data Analytics
This article was published by the EDUCAUSE Review on October 29, 2024. It is reposted here under under a Creative Commons BY 4.0 International License.
It's Just Semantics when it comes to AI in Analytics
A year ago, there was a lot of AI hype and less substance as vendors and institutions were developing their strategies and policies to adapt to this new normal. This year,...
6 Ways to Use Labor Cost Benchmarking to Support Financial Decision-Making
Understanding your labor spend is critical to financial decision-making. Oftentimes, departmental budgeting approaches limit visibility into true labor spending patterns,...
How to Build Buy-in for Labor Cost Benchmarking Across Your Institution
Labor cost benchmarking data can be powerful in its ability to enable you to gain visibility into critical financial and workforce insights. By measuring academic and...
The Importance of Quality Data Governance and Transparency
As more and more institutions shift to deeper data sophistication as part of their decision-making process, the need for quality data governance and analytical transparency...
How to Survive the Enrollment Cliff in Higher Education
If you are a part of higher education, or have even been attuned to news of the industry over the past decade, you’ve undoubtedly heard calls of enrollment decline. While...
4 Steps for Financial Viability When HEERF Grants Deplete
The current sustainability of higher education has been an uneasy topic for many in the industry over the past three years. With the unforeseeable challenges created by the...
Smarter benchmarking helps colleges thrive
Colleges and universities are increasingly being asked to support their decisions with data. A 2022 report from Educause highlights this as one of the top trends driving...
Financial Winter is Coming for Higher Ed, Despite Stimulus
The next few years will come straight out of “Game of Thrones” for universities. Many leaders project optimism and conduct business per usual while a select few recognize an...