Institutional effectiveness

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EDUCAUSE Review: From Hype to Help: Making GenAI Useful for Enterprise Reporting and Data Analytics
This article was published by the EDUCAUSE Review on October 29, 2024. It is reposted here under under a Creative Commons BY 4.0 International License.
It's Just Semantics when it comes to AI in Analytics
A year ago, there was a lot of AI hype and less substance as vendors and institutions were developing their strategies and policies to adapt to this new normal. This year,...
Higher Ed Data Platform: 6 Key Characteristics for Modern Institutions
Higher education is at a crossroads when it comes to managing and utilizing data. Universities and colleges are generating more data than ever - student information, research...
What’s measured gets managed: Aligning smart data practices to fuel institutional effectiveness
As we covered in part one of this article series, institutional effectiveness as a broad concept encompasses both the traditional measures of institutional health as well as...
Steering Institutional Success: Data-Driven Decisions in Higher Ed
For forward-thinking colleges and universities, Institutional Effectiveness is no longer the small office that helps with accreditation. Nor is re-accreditation their sole...
How to Improve Your Institutional Effectiveness Strategy
Institutional effectiveness in higher education has had its difficulties. We previously discussed the 3 challenges impacting institutional effectiveness in higher education...
3 Challenges for Institutional Effectiveness in Higher Ed
Institutional effectiveness is not a new concept. The Society of Colleges and University Planning (SCUP) defines institutional effectiveness as “a higher education...
4 Institutional Effectiveness Indicators to Watch
Today's higher education leaders are living through unprecedented times. The pandemicupended business as usualfor colleges and universities, causing the largestenrollment...
How Strong Is the Relationship Between Your CFO and Provost?
In November, University of California, Riverside announced its hire of Elizabeth Watkins as its new provost and executive vice chancellor.
What Data Can — and Can’t Yet — Tell Us
When my twin brother, a commercial pilot, flies a plane, he knows sensors informed by tens of thousands of prior flights are equipped to predict engine failures. But that...