Comprehensive Learner Record

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EDUCAUSE Review: From Hype to Help: Making GenAI Useful for Enterprise Reporting and Data Analytics
This article was published by the EDUCAUSE Review on October 29, 2024. It is reposted here under under a Creative Commons BY 4.0 International License.
It's Just Semantics when it comes to AI in Analytics
A year ago, there was a lot of AI hype and less substance as vendors and institutions were developing their strategies and policies to adapt to this new normal. This year,...
Digital Transformation for Assessment in Higher Education
Over the last 20 years, the world has experienced a technological surge unlike any seen before. This new digital age has introduced many changes — some advantageous, some...
Skills-based Transcripts Better Demonstrate the Value of Degrees
Is a college degree still worth it? It’s the question that seems to be on everyone’s minds. That is because the hottest commodity in the labour market right now isn’t a...
Developing a CLR: Critical Insights From Alumni, Students & Employers— Q&A From Leaders at University of Maryland Global Campus
With the value of higher education under heightened review by learners and employers, colleges and universities are quickly pivoting to a University of the Future model,...
4 Technology Essentials to Support Assessment in Higher Ed
As an assessment practitioner, I know how important it is to balance research-based assessment processes with flexibility and collaboration among your institutional teams. I...
Redesigning College Transcripts for Students and Employers
Student success is heavily dependent on student engagement in courses AND in the institution at large. My interest in micro-credentials and Comprehensive Learner Record ...