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HelioCampus Blog

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Renee Teate on SQL, Data Science, & Writing Her First Book

If you work with data, there’s a chance you’ve heard of “Data Science Renee.” You may know her from her “Becoming a Data Scientist” podcast or heard her speak at events like...

Leveraging AWS Redshift for Data Warehousing

(This blog is part of a series on how HelioCampus uses AWS to support our data analytics platform)

Financial Winter is Coming for Higher Ed, Despite Stimulus

The next few years will come straight out of “Game of Thrones” for universities. Many leaders project optimism and conduct business per usual while a select few recognize an...

Does Your Institution Evaluate ROI Analytics? If not, It Should

Colleges and universities implement analytics programs in order to support a wide variety of institutional goals, including recruitment, student success, and academic program...

Utilizing Amazon S3 to Support a Data Infrastructure

(This blog is part two of a series on how HelioCampus uses AWS to support our data analytics platform)

A Plan for Financial Sustainability

The higher education landscape has changed dramatically as a multitude of challenges have threatened the financial stability of institutions. Declining enrollments and...

Can College Predictive Models Survive the Pandemic?

Though many are eager to forget 2020, data scientists will be keeping the year top of mind as we determine whether the pandemic’s impact makes 2020 data anomalous or an...

How Strong Is the Relationship Between Your CFO and Provost?

In November, University of California, Riverside announced its hire of Elizabeth Watkins as its new provost and executive vice chancellor.

The Data Analytics Platform – A Foundational View

It would be an understatement to say that the HelioCampus community likes data; it is more like we live and breathe data. From strategic meetings to quarterly presentations...

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