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Effective Data Management in Higher Ed

Download this eBook to learn more about what holds institutions back from using their data effectively and ways to break through the obstacles. 


A comprehensive approach to data management. 

Colleges and universities increasingly sit on a treasure trove of data. But too often are challenged to uncover insights within that could drive more precise decisions on recruitment, financial aid, student success, and retention strategies. 


Greater attention to data management and data governance are required to create a single source of truth for your institution. Hear from Pennie Turgeon, VP for IT and CIO at the New York Institute of Technology, as she outlines her steps for taking a more comprehensive approach to data management.


You'll learn:

  • Why integrating data systems, like SIS, LMS, financial aid, etc. is essential for more comprehensive insights
  • Why data governance must be a core requirement of any data initiative
  • 3 best practices for data application as you get started

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