Outcomes Assessment
Leveraging Seamless LMS Integration to Automate & Improve the Assessment Process Campus-Wide

Lake-Sumter State College
Lake-Sumter State College, established in 1962, is a public community college with multiple campuses across Central Florida, serving over 6,000 students. In April 2022, LSSC’s leadership group had the opportunity to reimagine their assessment process, not only for their academic areas but service areas, as well. Led by Dr. Elizabeth Johnson, the workgroup began a vetting process to identify a platform that could grow and advance their assessment process.
Johnson and the workgroup were aware of the highly manual, spreadsheet-dominant method by which many faculty and staff were recording and distributing valuable assessment data at the institution. The workgroup needed a platform that could transform their manual efforts into a seamless, automated process, thus removing the literal tracking down of faculty for necessary information.
How LMS Integration Streamlines Assessment at LSSC
Keeps Faculty in the LMS
Through a standards-based LMS integration, HelioCampus enables faculty to identify, review, and score their key assignments for assessment, without requiring them to switch systems or disrupt familiar workflows. Faculty can remain in the LMS—where they are most comfortable—and continue to teach their courses, while HelioCampus collects outcomes assessment data in the background.
Eliminates Manual, Duplicative Efforts
Rather than ask faculty to change their teaching and course-planning processes to meet the needs of the system, HelioCampus harnesses the great work faculty are already doing for assessment in their courses through assignment linking. This process enables instructors and program coordinators to capture comprehensive direct assessment data on existing key assignments and connect them back to outcomes and standards automatically to improve student learning and inform continuous improvement.
Provides Relevant and Timely Insights
Because of the deep integration with the LMS, HelioCampus provides intuitive reporting features that offer much more immediate and relevant insights — due, in part, to the assignment linking process. This provides instructors and platform users with visibility into how students are performing to identify opportunities to improve courses and support student success.

Fostering a Culture of Assessment Transparency
In addition to furthering LSSC’s culture of continuous improvement, the shift to HelioCampus' Assessment platform has also provided opportunities for additional transparency, allowing individuals across campuses to gain deeper knowledge of how assessment efforts are coming along institutionally, as well as within different departments.